Rio Ozama at the Dirección General de Dragas looking towards the Caribbean Sea. The river is starting to fill with Jacinto de agua / River lilies.

Attack of Lilies Rio Ozama

The river lilies invade the waterways of Dominican Republic after every rain. The Jacinto de agua lilas float down Rio Ozama as they continue on to the Caribbean Sea.

Rio Ozama seen from Puente Flotante looking down river towards Puente Ramón Matías Mella (Las Bicicletas) - Puente Juan Pablo Duarte, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The river is filled with Jacinto de agua (river lilies)

Rio Ozama seen from Puente Flotante looking down river towards Puente Ramón Matías Mella (Las Bicicletas) – Puente Juan Pablo Duarte. The river is filled with Jacinto de agua (river lilies) as far as the eye can see.

The Rio Ozama view from Puente Flotante looking up river towards Puente Ramón Matías Mella. Puente Juan Pablo Duarte can be seen in the distance. The river is filled with Jacinto de agua (river lilies) as far as the eye can see.

Rio Ozama at the Dirección General de Dragas looking towards the Caribbean Sea. The river is starting to fill with Jacinto de agua / River lilies.

Rio Ozama at the Dirección General de Dragas looking towards the Caribbean Sea. The river is starting to fill with Jacinto de agua / River lilies.

Jacinto de agua, river lily, lilas de Rio Ozama, whatever you call them they are both pretty and ugly. Their small purple flowers and bright green color can make them look beautiful. They make a green carpet on top of the water. The problem is that this intrusive plant carries with it pollution. The plant sucks the nutrients needed for indigenous river species from the environment.

When there is rain the plant breaks away making its way down river. Jacinto de auga causes havoc as it passes on its way to the sea.

Puente Flotante is open while the Dirección General de Dragas move the lilies down towards the Caribbean Sea

Puente Flotante is open while the Dirección General de Dragas move the lilies down towards the Caribbean Sea

The Dirección General de Dragas, Presas y Balizamiento de la Armada de República Dominicana work to move the lilies backed-up against the Puente Flotante. They open the floating bridge and move the Jacinto de agua towards the sea where they have boats ready to try and clean up the mess before it gets to the Caribbean.

Puente Flotante is open while the Dirección General de Dragas move the Jacinto de agua down towards the Caribbean Sea where clean-up boats are waiting.

Puente Flotante is open while the Dirección General de Dragas move the Jacinto de agua down towards the Caribbean Sea where clean-up boats are waiting.

Rio Ozama trash mixed with the Jacinto de agua sadly making its way to the Caribbean Sea.

Rio Ozama trash mixed with the Jacinto de agua sadly making its way to the Caribbean Sea.

The Dominican Dogs, Inteliperra and Buenagente, are sad as they observe Rio Ozama filled with trash mixed with the Jacinto de agua as it makes its way to the Caribbean Sea.

The Dominican Dogs, Inteliperra and Buenagente, sad looking at Rio Ozama and the trash mixed with the Jacinto de agua sadly making its way to the Caribbean Sea.

The Dominican Dogs, Inteliperra and Buenagente, sad looking at Rio Ozama and the trash mixed with the Jacinto de agua sadly making its way to the Caribbean Sea.

More information – Las lilas (Jacinto de agua) del Ozama
Liberan al río Ozama de 700 toneladas de basura