The curfew / toque de queda has been changed again. It seems that we are in recovery and the Covid-19 virus is getting more in control. So, since we have been good Dominicans and are, somewhat, following the rules they are giving us a break with the curfew by adding a few hours to our […]
Curfew January 27 to February 8, 2021
Government relaxes hours and curfew measures / Gobierno flexibiliza horario y medidas del toque de queda Please everyone, follow these rules. Maybe, just maybe, we can return to normal soon and the Covid-19 spread can be checked. The Health Cabinet, headed by the Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, ordered that from next Wednesday, […]
Covid-19 Curfew State of Emergency 1-2021
Here we go again. The entire Christmas holidays we have been under a Curfew or Toque de Queda as they call it here in Dominican Republic thanks to Covid-19 and Coronavirus. The curfew was extended and tightened because humans did not follow the rules. Bad, bad humans we are. The new Toque de Queda […]
Holiday Curfew Restrictions 2020
Curfew For the Holidays 2020 2021 Consejo Interterritorial de Salud and the Gobierno Central announced, because of a second wave of Covid-19 in recent days, new restrictions for the holidays. Read all this and tell me if you are confused? Starting December 15, 2020 and ending (I have found no mention of ending date […]
The History of the Coca-Cola Christmas Tree

The Traditional Coca-Cola Christmas Trees in Plaza España Every year one of the great Christmas traditions in Santo Domingo, for both young and old, is visiting the giant Coca-Cola Christmas Tree. The tree is located in Plaza España in front of the Palacio Virreinal Alcázar de Colón in the Colonial Zone. This year due to […]
Weekend Museums Entrance Free

Some good news..finally. Many of the museums of the Colonial Zone and the entire Dominican Republic are opening for visitors after many many months of being closed. Since the Covid-19 virus hit the world the museums of the country have been closed to the public. These educational places have been doing many virtual activities to […]