A few interesting pictures I took this morning.
The clouds looked like dos to me. A little Poodle-ish type dog. A bigger dog maybe a Retriever. A Whippet with the big chest and tiny stomach. Looks just like my dog. My dog Teli, the Dominican Dog, is in the street, Calle las Damas, posing under the cloud that looks like her.
What do you think the clouds look like?
A Cattle Egret, known in DR as a Garza Ganadera, was sitting on the wall of the Fortaleza Ozama this morning. Note the Dominican Republic flag. The beak if the bird and the flag are in the same downward pointy position. Poor guy, he had no cows or fields close to graze on. Wonder what it was doing here all by itself?
“No Tire Basura. Plis. OKEY.” Can you read this sign in Spanglish? Do not put garbage here. Plis is please written just how it sounds with a Dominican accent. OKEY – OKAY – OK – whatever. Anyhow, just do not put your garbage here. Plastic cups seem not to be covered under the garbage name I guess. OKEY?