The international pop superstar Miley Cyrus will be in Dominican Republic for the first time bring her “Bangerz Tour” to our island.
*Note– on August 21, 2014 an article was posted in the Diario Libre Newspaper – Comisión de Espectáculos Públicos prohíbe concierto de Miley Cyrus / PUC bans Shows Miley Cyrus concert – The National Commission of Public Entertainment and Radio banned the concert by singer Miley Cyrus, scheduled for September 13 because the singer usually perform acts at odds with the morals and manners punished by Dominican law including inappropriate costumes, corruption of language, perverse images and sentences, phrases with double meanings, defend crime, violence and degrading acts and more.
I will add any new information I find when I see it.
This concert will be at the Estadio Quisqueya, Santo Domingo on Saturday September 13, 2014. Cyrus will be singing and performing in her own special way her popular music and the songs from the RCA Records album Bangerz. This album debuted at #1 on both the Billboard Chart and the digital sales records where it was #1 on iTunes in over 70 countries simultaneously.
This is a fun video about Miley Cyrus coming to DR.
“Miley Cyrus en Republica Dominicana” / Miley Cyrus in Dominican Republic
“Dominicanos reaccionan a concierto de Miley Cyrus en el Pais” / Dominicans react to Miley Cyrus concert in the Country
Ticket prices start at RD$1,200 and can be purchased in advance on line at Ticket Express. Tickets also available at La Sirena, Super Pola y SdConcerts.
Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball Video (I do not want to post the video here as I do not think it is proper for my web site so here is the link if you want to watch)
Watch on YouTube