I found a bunch of good stuff to do the last few weeks of May. If you know of more things to ad let me know. I will start a new page for June and see if we can get some good things to do around the Colonial Zone listed.
Happy Hours:
*Diams Café Lounge, Calle el Conde and Isabel la Catolica, Colonial Zone
HAPPY HOUR..2 x 1.. everyday starting at 5 pm until 9 pm.
Events happening every week:
*Santo Domingo de Fiesta – The Ministry of Tourism presents shows and folk dances every Friday and Saturday outdoors.
Every Friday and Saturday
At Plaza España, Calle la Atarazana, Zona Colonial at 8 to 10 p.m.
*Grupo Bonyé – Playing different genres like merengue, son, jazz and other rhythms under the stars.
Every Sunday
At the Ruinas de San Francisco, C/ Hostos esq. Tejera, Ciudad Colonial, 5 to 10 p.m.
*Jazz Picante en La Cantina
Every Wednesday at 9 pm different Jazz bands live
this Wednesday May 23, 2012 is a special presentation of Blues at the Cantina more information on the news blog here.
Cantina del Agave, Arz. Meriño #115 Zoan Colonial, at 9 p.m.
*Feria Artesanal Casa de Teatro
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
At the Plazoleta Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, Arz. Meriño, Ciudad Colonial, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
*Reggae Sunday with the house band, GANJA BEAT performing with guests, live reggae music for all
At La Espiral, Jose Reyes #107, Colonial Zone
Events happening this week:
International Museum Day
Friday May 18, 2012 Dominican Republics leading museums are free.
Some of the museums include Museo Faro a Colon, Museo Alcázar de Colon, Museums in Plaza de la Cultura, Museo Casa de Duarte and more. The museums hours will be extended for today.
*PRD? PLD? …whatever! Tomorrow vote for JAGER!
Friday May 18, 2012 at Mojiganga, Calle Las Mercedes on the corner of Hostos, at 11 pm
*Aires de tango – Concert
Thursday May 31, 2012
At Casa Oliver, Arzobispo Portes and Hostos, Colonial Zone, at 8 PM
Cost – $250 p/p
*Candela Pa Lo Pie Palos and Mata Los Indios – Congos of Villa Mella and dancers
Friday, May, 18, 2012
At La Espiral, Jose Reyes #107, Colonial Zone
Cover: $100 p / p Includes welcome drink and free round of shots for the girls.
*”Que se yo cuanto” tells a story about blackouts and what Dominicans do to combat boredom when the lights go out.
at Teatro Guloya
Saturday, 26 May at 8:30pm and at 6:30pm on Sunday, 27 May.
*Events this week in Casa de Teatro, Arzobispo Meriño #110, Colonial Zone
Alexandro Seguí
Friday May 18, 2012
At 10 p.m.
Acoustic Twilight – Rob Atencio y Marianne Taveras join to interpret songs written in a presentation that promises to be intense.
Monday May 21, 2012
At 10 p.m.
Artista Invitado
Tuesday May 22, 2012
At 10 p.m.
El otro Broadway – Carolina Rivas sings the most famous Broadway songs..
Wednesday May 23, 2012
At 10 p.m.
A Piano, Caja y Voz – Micky Creales, Ely Vásquez y Elsa Liranzo present their versions of Bossanova and Pop.
Thursday May 24, 2012
At 9 p.m.
Theater – Tartufo
Thursday 17 and Friday 18, May 2012
at 8 p.m.
Theater – “Canto a la Madre”
Thursday May 24, 2012
At 7 p.m.
Art Exhibits:
*Opening of the exhibition: IM PROPIA
By Raquel Paiewonsky
Friday, May 25, 2012 at 7 pm. continuing til July 8 at Centro Cultural de España, Calle Arz. Meriño and Arz. Portes, Colonial Zone