The presidential elections in Dominican Republic will be held Sunday May 20, 2012, with the participation of candidates Danilo Medina – PLD; Hipólito Mejía – PRD; Guillermo Moreno – Alianza País; Max Puig – Alianza Por la Democracia (APD); Julián Serulle – Frente Amplio, and Eduardo Estrella – Dominicanos por el Cambio (DxC).
Twenty-four hours before the elections all public meetings and demonstrations of a political nature will be banned.
Cameras and phones are banned in the polling centers. There will be no cameras or cell phones permitted during the voting.
The sale of alcoholic beverages will be prohibited to ensure proper behavior of the voters. According to Law from 24 hours before the election and 3 hours after the end of the voting no one can dispense or distribute alcoholic beverages. So from Saturday at 9:00 am to Sunday at 9:00 pm parties are banned from selling alcoholic beverages. Voting will start at 6:00 am and conclude at 6:00 pm.
The military police assure all that all the polling stations nationwide will be safe and secure.
The JCE president reiterated that the results of voting would be announced the night of the civic event