Feria de Videojuegos Malta Morena 2012
Malta Moreno is sponsoring the Feria Video Juegos 2/ Video Games Fair 2. It is a 3-day exhibition of video games and all things pertaining to gaming.
The first Video Game Fair was held in 2011 attracting more than 15,000 people. This year they know they will easily exceed this figure. Candida Hernandez, manager of the Dominican National Brewery development stated (translated) “Due to the great success we had from our customers last year, we have expanded our offerings in the program of activities, and in physical space and time of the event, so that more families can live this experience single hand of Malta Morena “.
This year the event will be held in a much larger venue bringing lots of new areas. One area that is highly anticipated is for parents and families where they can return to their childhood years with classic consoles and video games of yesteryear. There will also game sales at special prices just in time for Christmas and a food court area.
This year the Video Game Fair will be held at the Port Sans Souci, November 16-18, 2012 from 10AM to 10PM. Tickets are 3 Malta Morena labels plus RD$200.