For you sky watchers it is time again for the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. You just might be able to see over 100 meteors per hour during the peak times. The only problem this year is the full moon. It is not easy to see the meteor shower when the moon is bright. It out shines the stars and meteors making viewing difficult but not impossible.
You can see the peek of these showers in the northern skies on the 12th and 13th. The thirteenth is the full moon, what a disappointment for you star watchers. You can still see the shooting stars on the 11th if you hit the right times.
Take your significant other, your kids, or your dog out to watch the skies. View the wonders of the sky and enjoy. Maybe you can even do a few ewws and awwhs.
This link at tells you more about the showers and the best times to view this amazing performance by nature.
Also remember,it is easier to see stars if you are not near the ocean.The water reflects light making many of the stars not visible.