The Earthquake that struck in Dominican Republic very close to the towns of San Jose de Ocoa (click the link for some information about Ocoa and pictures taken before the Quake) and Bani had caused some damage and we are seeing after shocks. The damage is not that severe and no deaths have been reported, […]
san jose de ocoa
5.3 Earthquake Today – 1st Report
A 5.3 Terremoto hit us today in Dominican Republic at 5:36 in the morning on January 5, 2012. Most people were asleep when the earth and peoples beds shook early this morning. Some ignored it while others were up on the computer checking what happened and others went to the street. The depth of the […]
Tenth National Crafts Fair 2011
The Ministry of Culture/ Ministerio de Cultura, Office of the First Lady/ El Despacho de la Primera Dama (DPD), Ferias Artesanales del MINC y el Programa Progresando present the 10th Annual National Crafts Fair/ X Feria Nacional de Artesanía. From December 14th to the 18th, 2011/ de 14 al 18 de diciembre 9am to 9pm […]