MINISTERIO DE CULTURA y EL MUSEO ALCÁZAR DE COLÓN presentan La Noche Larga de los Museos Verano el sábado 21 de junio 2014. / MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND THE MUSEO ALCÁZAR DE COLÓN present The Long Night of Museums Summer Version on Saturday June 21, 2014. This fun day is held 4 times a year […]
Long Night of the Museums
Museums of the Colonial City FREE! 9-21-2013
A Noche Larga de los Museos – Otoño/ A Long Night of the Museums – Fall. Another great chance to visit the historical city and the museums FREE! The Ministerío de Cultura, Viceministerío de Patrimonío Cultural and Dirección General de Museos open the museums of the Colonial City to the public free of charge on […]