3ra Feria Mundo Anime (FMA) /3rd World Anime Fair will be held on June 14 & 15, 2014 at the Centro Cultural Mauricio Baez, Calle Francisco Villaespesa, Villa Juana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. If you play or only watch this will be fun for the entire family. This is the Japanese anime convention in the […]
Leones del Escogido Won In 2012!
Escogido is the champion/ es el campeón! Now we need to win the Caribbean Baseball Series 2012! Leones del Escogido won against Las Aguilas Cibaeñas last night, 6 to 5, getting them their place in the Serie Caribe 2012 this year. The game was close and when Escogidos won the crowds went nuts. I had […]