El presidente de la Asociación de Buhoneros de la Zona Colonial y Aledañas (ABZCA).
According to the papers many of the Informal workers grouped in the Association of Traders of the Colonial Zone/ Trabajadores informales agrupados en la Asociación de Buhoneros de la Zona Colonial vendors located in Colonial Zone, most along Calle el Conde, are being evicted from their long occupied locations.
Many of these people have been here for years and years and now they say their wares are being confiscated by the police and that they are also being abused and imprisoned by the authorities. There have been over 40 vendors evicted since this operation began.
The president of the Asociación de Buhoneros de la Zona Colonial y Aledañas, Xiomara Espaillat, says they know who are the legal vendors and the ones that are selling illegally and they will remove the ones that are illegal. They say that many of the vendors inflate prices and also harass the people. These bad vendors also draw customers away from the legitimate businesses. Shop owners do not like these people selling on the streets but they have been around for many years and feel that they have the right to sell. So the fight will continue.
So be aware that if you see one of these protests happening along the Conde to be a little cautious as sometimes these can become violent and you do not want to be caught up in all the action. Also if you are harassed by any vendor or person in the Conde report it to the local police.