Get your Christmas present list ready and buy unique handmade craft items directly from Dominican artists.
The Ministerio de Cultura announced La XII Feria Nacional de Artesanías Dominicanas (FENART 2013) / The XII National Handicraft Fair Dominicanas. This years big art fair will be dedicated to the craftsmen of Barahona. It will involve 200 artisans, businesses and about 30 state and private institutions. All these art pieces are made by local labor, thus contributing to art and craft development and the livelihoods of hundreds of families.

Feria Nacional de Artesanías / Dominican Art Fair 2012
The National Dominican Handicraft Fair will be held on Thursday December 12 to Sunday December 15 at the Fortaleza Ozama on Calle las Damas, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo.
Complete information in Spanish at