More Security for the Zone

Another meeting was held at the Palacio Consistorial about Colonial Zone and security. It was attended by Roberto Salcedo, Mayor of the National District ; National Police chief, José Armando Polanco Gómez; director of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, José Aníbal Sanz Jiminián, director of the Tourism Police, Pedro Antonio Cáceres Chestaro. Also in appearance were representatives from the National District Attorney’s Office and the National Drug Control Agency.

There will be between 250 to 300 police working around the clock in three 8 hour shifts. All will be getting special training. This new security team includes the Policía Nacional/ National Police, la Autoridad Metropolitana de Transporte (Amet)/ The Metropolitan Transport Authority, la Policía Turística/ the Tourist Police and la Policía Municipal/ the Municipal Police.

Mayor Salcedo said that “se aúnan esfuerzos para consolidar una estructura de seguridad que garantice, tanto al turista, como al visitante, que nada habrá de ocurrirle, que podrán transitar libremente”. / “joining forces to build a security structure that ensures both the tourist and visitors that nothing will happen, they can move freely.”

They also said that they will be repairing the lighting that is out of service, stop parking on sidewalks and where it is prohibited and limit access for heavy vehicles. They will be enforcing a plan to make the Colonial City safe for tourists and residents alike. After this new plan is implemented they are going to take this to other parts of the country as well. Trying to make the country safer for all.

Lets hope this happens fast and that the much needed security for the Zona Colonial is finally a real happening. That all can go out whether it be day or night and feel safe in this historic city.