Culture Ministry Announces “Noche Larga de los Museos, versión primavera” / “Long Night of Museums, Spring Version” with attractive art program all in Ciudad Colonial.

Noche Larga de los Museos Primavera 2014 / Long Night of Museums Spring 2014
A great event continued from last year, this year, 2014, the Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, will again be organizing this great event. All can visit the museums and monuments free of charge letting the entire population enjoy the historic, cultural and artistic wealth of Dominican Republic.
Sábado 22 de marzo, 2014 / Saturday, March 22, 2014 museums will be open for FREE from 9AM until 12midnight. There will be music, dances, costumes and everything typical of the interior of the country.
Museums included in the free event include Alcázar de Colón, Centro de las Telecomunicaciones del INDOTEL, Museo de las Casas Reales, Fortaleza Ozama, Centro de la Imagen, Centro Cultural de España, Casa de Teatro, Museo Trampolín and Museo de la Familia Dominicana. Here is a list and description of many of the museums in the Colonial Zone.
The events planned for Casa Reales:
6PM – Show de Malabarista / Juggler Show
7PM – Show de Mago Ilusionista / Illusionist Magic Show
8:30PM – Merengue, Salsa and Bachata music by Francis Fajardo y Su Grupo
9:30PM – Lupita y el Mariachi Perla Caribe
There will be an Espactaculo de luces en la fachada del museo / Show of lights on the facade of the Museum.
For a map of the locations and a map of the Zone you can print out visit the web site.
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