The Dominican Surfing Federation (FEDOSURF) announces that it will hold the next Válida Nacional de Surf “Larimar Surfing Championship 2014”. This years event will be held at Playa Paraíso, Santa Cruz de Barahona, on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June 2014 starting at 8AM.
For surfers and spectators alike this is part of the Great National Surf Circuit. There will be great prizes, trophies and medals for winners in the various divisions for both high performance athletes and local competitors. There will also be many activities, music and food for all to enjoy.
Sponsored by: Fondo Provincial del Desarrollo Eco Turístico Provincia Barahona FEDOPROBA, Leche Rica, Comité Olímpico Dominicano (COD) and Federación Dominicana de Surfing (FEDOSURF).
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