September/ Septiembre 24 is Our Lady of Mercedes Day/ Día de las Mercedes. This holy day the faithful will make their trek to La Vega. Here, about 8 miles from the center of town, is located The Holy Hill/ El Santo Cerro. The hill top shrine build to honor this important patron saint.
Since this day falls on a Monday and it is a day off work for many Dominicans this will be a long weekend for many. Many take advantage and get out of the city for a short vacation.
For more information about why we honor Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes and why the church in La Vega was built in her honor.
Here is the Colonial Zone there is a yearly procession in her honor.
This video I took from my balcony of the procession in 2008.
The Church and Convent of Our Lady of Mercy/ Iglesia y Convento de las Mercedes located on Calle Mercedes is where the big service will be held in the Colonial Zone area. On Monday this church and tho outside area will be packed full of the faithful and also vendors selling food and trinkets.

Iglesia Las Mercedes, Zona Colonial
There are many churches throughout the country that will be holding masses and special marches to celebrate Our Lady of Mercy/ Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes.
Inmaculada Concepción in Residencia Italia will be having a special concert titled Concierto del Música Sacra Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes with Juan Cuevas, Casandra Award winner, and others on the 24 of September at 7PM to honor the patron saint.

Concierto Musica Sacra