Jael Uribe: De la muerte al Feníx 5-21-2013

The Tertulia Eduardo Gautreau de Windt Presents Jael Uribe (De la muerte al Fénix) poetry and more. Uribe is the founder and president of Mujeres Poetas internaciona/ Women Poets International Movement (MPI) and the creator of Grito de Mujer/ Woman Scream International Poetry Festival.

Grito de Mujer  International Poetry Festival. 2013

Grito de Mujer International Poetry Festival. 2013

The event will be at the bar of Taller Evolutivo de Arte Contemporáneo in Calle El Conde #105 (by Hardrock Cafe), in front of Parque Colón Tuesday May 21, 2013 at 7PM.

More information –
Mujeres Poetas Internacional/ Women Poets International
“Soy todo lo que puedo ser, soy poeta, soy mujer.”/ “I’m all I can be, a woman, a poetess”

Grito de Mujer (Nuestro Festival Internacional de Poesía)/ Woman’ Scream (International Poetry Festival)El grito de mujere/ Woman Scream Blogspot Information available in many languages.


more about Jael Uribe you can visit her blog at http://jaeluribe.blogspot.com