The Ministry of Agricultural announces the 25th National Farmers’ Fair Saturday 17th thru Sunday 25th or March in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic/ Ministerio de Agricultura anuncia XXV Feria Agropecuria Nacional 2012 sábado 17 al domingo 25 de marzo en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
This is a Farm Show Dominican style with more than 300 entities. México and Panamá are special guests this year.
The Farm Show will be inaugurated on March 7th at 6PM by President Leonel Fernández and The First Lady Margarita Cedeño de Fernández. There will be lots of activities for young and old alike. Take the children so they can see farm animals up close. There will be pavilions dedicated to energy conservation. There will be a milking competition. There will be displays of technological advances. There will be a rodeo at the arena at the Ciudad Ganadera. There will be livestock judging for cattle, goats, rabbits, pigs and sheep.
Organized by the National Board of Cattle Ranchers/ Patronato Nacional de Ganaderos, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture/ Ministerio de Agricultura, the Directorate General of Livestock/ la Dirección General de Ganadería, The Agriculture Bank/ Banco Agrícola, and Farmers’ Federations, Cooperatives and Associations/ Federaciones, Cooperativas y Asociaciones Ganaderas.
Ciudad Ganadera is located on Autopista 30 de Mayo, Route 2 (the end of Avenida George Washington), Calle San Juan Bautista, Santo Domingo