Conferencia Relief 2.0 y Markets of Hope 8-2012.
After the conference all can see the photographic art exhibition “Road to the Future Japan: March 2011 – March 2012” which documents the impact of the earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan in March 2011, the joint response and recovery efforts sustainable. The visual tour includes a series of before and after photos. The hopeful images of the triumph of the human will and social solidarity on the unpredictable nature of the disasters. The exhibition was opened in the Grameen Creative Lab at Kyushu University in Japan in the presence of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. It was also presented in Boston, Mexico, Singapore, Fukuoka and Tokyo. After its presentation here in Dominican Republic the conference-exhibition and will continue on to Haiti, Switzerland and Italy.
This interesting and informative exhibition will be from August 21st to the 31st, 2012 at Casa de Teatro, #110 Arzobispo Meriño, Ciudad Colonial, Santo Domingo,
More information i Spanish at