3ra Feria Mundo Anime (FMA) /3rd World Anime Fair will be held on June 14 & 15, 2014 at the Centro Cultural Mauricio Baez, Calle Francisco Villaespesa, Villa Juana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. If you play or only watch this will be fun for the entire family.

3ra Feria Mundo Anime (FMA) /3rd World Anime Fair will be held on June 14 & 15, 2014
This is the Japanese anime convention in the Dominican Republic. The festival will be focusing on the Japanese culture Animes and Mangas. There will be Role Playing and Video Games, Comics and now. You can play hand in hand with the International Yamato Cosplay Cup, the first Dominican selected to represent us in the international Cosplay Contest.
This years winner will have the opportunity to represent the country in this competition with an all expense paid trip to SAO PAOLO, BRAZIL, the host country of the cup finals, in July 2014.
General admission is RD$300 and a Gamer Pass is RD$400.
More information, registration for the games and tickets at http://www.feriamundoanime.com
Tickets can be purchased at Hard Rock Cafe-Zona Colonial, Moviemax, Supermercados Nacional, Tiendas Jumbo and at Uepa Tickets.
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