XXVI Feria Agropecuaria Nacional 2013/ 26th National Agriculture Fair 2013. The fair takes place from March 9 to 17, 2013 at the Ciudad Ganadera/ Cattle City, Autopista 30 de Mayo, Santo Domingo.
This year the event is dedicated to women working in all types of farming activities.
Go and support those whom produce and grow the foods we eat. It brings together students, housewives, businessmen, families and the general public with the people responsible for producing our food. There will be over 300 exhibitors from throughout the entire Dominican Republic. It will be fun and educational for the entire family. This is the equivalent of the Farm Show.
There will be different activities each day including…
*The rating of dairy cows including the Holstein, Brown Swiss/ Pardo Suizo, Jersey and Gyr.
*The meat cows including the White and Red Brahman Brahman/ Brahman Blanco y Brahman Rojo and more.
*There will also be competitions for horses, sheep, goats and pigs.
The activity is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture/ Ministerio de Agricultura, the Department of Livestock/ la Dirección General de Ganadería, Agricultural Bank/ el Banco Agrícola, the National Council for the Regulation and the Dairy Industry Development/ el Consejo Nacional para la Reglamentación y el Fomento de la Industria Lechera (CONALECHE) and other agricultural institutions.
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