The small town of Sánchez, located at the western entrance to the Samaná Peninsula, will host The First Annual Cultural Festival, Marisco Ripiao / 1er Festival del Marisco Ripiao, Sánchez, República Dominicana, on June 21st, 2014 coinciding with the 128th anniversary of the fishing towns founding.

1st Annual Cultural Festival Marisco Ripiao, Sanchez, Dominican Republic
This festival will begin very early on Saturday morning with the traditional ringing of church bells and going until 6 PM. There will be many cultural and gastronomic activities and the day will be filled with traditional folk music, Perico Ripiao.
Visitors can expect to find a myriad of activities and entertainment supported by the town’s bountiful heritage. The objective of the festival is to promote the history, culture, and abundant beauty that Sánchez has to offer. Guests are encouraged to come prepared to learn, explore and enjoy.
There will be
*Cultural talks
*Victorian house route walk
*A photo exhibition on the History of Sanchez
*Lots of folklore music and dance.
*Artists selling their creations
*One of the highlights will be a gastronomic extravaganza of traditional seafood from the Samaná bay waters and the big competition to pick the best dish of the festival.There will be shrimp, fish and crab, prepared with coconut milk (mariscos con coco) by the expert local cooks. Internationally renouned Chef, Willie Hernandez, who is also a Sánchez native, will host a “Cooking Show” to present a series of seafood and other native plates made with coconut
*Food, food and more FOOD.

Sanchez Primer Festival del Marisco Ripiao Junio 21, 2014
Sánchez was founded in 1886 and soon became a center of commerce for the Dominican Republic, as it was a maritime town with a very active port. It was the home of a train that connected the town directly to La Vega and the interior of the country. It was also home to The Royal Bank of Canada, the first bank in the country. The town is known for its picturesque Victorian houses, many of which still exist today. Sánchez is the primary entry way for excursions to the Los Haitises National Park and the mangrove laden tropical rivers of Barracote, Yuna and Colorado.
For updates on planned activities go to Facebook:
The festival is being organized by the Centro para la Conservación y Ecodesarrollo de laBahía de Samaná y su Entorno (CEBSE), the Cooperativa de Pescadores Bahía de San Lorenzo, Sancheros Ausente and the Alcaldia de Sánchez.
Sponsors of this festival include, Centro Cuesta Nacional, Social Network, T.R. SRL, Cluster Turistica Samaná, Consorcio Dominicana Competitividad Turistica, Asociación de Comerciantes y Empresarios de Sánchez, Ministerio de la Mujer, USAgency for International Development, US Forest Service, US Peace Corps, among others.
To provide sponsorship or for further information and interviews contact the festival committee chairs: Patricia Lamelas, Tel. 809-538-2042 / Cel. 809-852-6619 orBienva Nina, Tel 809-682-8137 / Cel. 829-844-1959.