The XXI edition of the Festival de Atabales will be held November 25, 26 and 27, 2011 at the Club Sol Naciente de Sainaguá. Sainagua, San Cristobal, Dominican Republic
*Please note. I am having a little bit of a hard time translating the information I received so I am including the Spanish version as well just in case I translated wrong. My Spanish is not that great. Sorry.
La XXI edición del Festival de Atabales será celebrada del 25 al 27 de noviembre en el club Sol Naciente de Sainaguá, San Cristobal, Republica Dominicana y para hacer posible este tradicional evento, la Oficina Senatorial de Tommy Galán hizo un aporte económico.
Located in the Ramón community there will be drumming on the jera-pega from the communities of Boca de Mana, Yaguate, and the Santa María community playing what is known as palo de muerto. From Zarandunga in Bani. Caña Andrés will be playing the music salve to celebrate their patron saint San Antonio. Los Guloyas from San Pedro de Macorís will be bringing their style of drumming from the British West Indies. Reverenda Enerolisa from Mata Los Indios, Villa Mella, and the legendery palero Yerba. From Cuba Simeón Familia, de Sainaguá. From San Cristóbal comes Los Reyes del Palo and the group Los Paduanos de Torpia. Also playing is Yerba y sus poderes, Mercedes con sus Indias, Grillo y Guedeses de Montaño, and from Navarrete, Santiago comes the group Los Tainos, de La Canela Guibo con sus salves, and from Barahona los Paleros de Cabral, Yogo-Yogo from Nigua plus others. (I hope I got the words right. It is very difficult to translate this stuff). Taken from the article is Spansih here –
Directions (as well as I can translate them) – From Central Park in San Cristobal take Avenida de la Constitución 5 blocks to 16 de Agosto Street. Turn right go two blocks to Bernardo Aliez then turn left and follow this road straight for about 3 kilometers to reach the Cabañas Colinas del Placer. In front of the Cabanas is the field where the festival is held.
Direciones – LLegas al parque central y tomas la avenida de la constitución 5 cuadras hasta la calle 16 de agosto, ahí doblas a la derecha dos cuadras hasta la Bernardo Aliez ahí doblas a la izquierda y sigues esta calle Bernardo Aliez derecho todo el tiempo como 3 kilometros hasta llegar a las cabañas colinas del placer, frente a estas cabañas está la cancha donde se hace el festival.
This video is long but very informative. At the end is some music being played.
This is a video from last year titled “Luís Terror Días El Misterio” Performance a Luís Terror Días, presentado en el XX Festival de Atabales
Thank you Mamacita Cele and Carlito El Palero y Conjunto Tambú Los Originales for the information
More info here